Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Dates are Set!

For the past 4 months, I've been checking a website everyday to see if my name was on the list of ready to pick up passports. Everyday, it was a disappointment and just plain annoying. Until one Sunday when my friend Chemo dared me NOT to check the site for a whole week. I accepted the challenge and lasted whole 4 days;) That Wednesday, I went to church and was called to  pray for my trip and the passport with my small group leader. I was ready to fully fully fully give this trip to God. I was finally okay with it not happening if it wasn't His will. Honestly, I think God was waiting for that.. He does have a great sense of humor! So the following day I checked the website, and guess what?! My name was on it!!! I literally screamed out of excitement, called and texted anyone and everyone about it.
I didn't waste any time and took the leap of faith of buying my airplane tickets without actually having the passport in my hand.  My parents strongly discouraged me for they knew how the Russian government  is with these things.. We couldn't trust that the passport was really ready. My gut told me though I gotta risk it! 
Long story short, I got the tickets and am leaving on November 30th and returning January 9th!