Friday, November 30, 2012

Let It Begin...

Tomorrow is the day I've been looking forward to since May. I will be leaving to my native country, Russia.  
However, the past couple weeks were really tough on me. I had so much on my mind, (and still do,) that I just came home and slept to avoid thinking about anything concerning this trip. I had  and actually still have so many different emotions going on. I don't even know what I feel. Am I excited, nervous, ready, stressed, sad, happy? I don't really feel anything...  All I know is that I am tired...  

Some of  you who read this blog don't believe in God but respect my mission. I realize that my constant writing about God may even really  bother you. But I thank you for your continual  interest and support. 

At times like this is where my faith comes in the most  though. I am wiped out, therefore discouraged about my travel. But Lord gives me hope and a quiet heart  through the scripture in the Bible.  " He gives strength to those who are tired and more power to those who are weak.... The people who trust the Lord will become strong again." Isaiah 40:29,31    To some of you these are just some words, but if you are a believer, you  know that this is true because the Lord has done just that in your life before. I know that's true for me.  He has given me strength in time of need numerous times. For Example, I am terrified of  public speaking. I turn red, start to shake, and make no sense. So how did I manage to share my personal life with the entire school couple weeks ago? I prayed... God used my weakness, to show what He is capable of. He gave me passion and confidence.. My life story isn't for me to keep but to glorify God with it.

So here I am right now,  feeling blah blah right before I leave...  However, I trust the Lord for He never failed me once.  He has put many loving and wonderful people around me at school, church, at home and even on Fb.  Today my friends threw me a SURPRISE  SEND OFF TO RUSSIA party at school. That and many other kind things others  have done for me cheered me up  through out this difficult time... 
 So I give my worries to the Lord  and I know He has great plans for me. I hope you tune in for more to see how God will strengthen me. I want you all  to witness this.

Lord, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. Sever any tie, but the tie that binds me to Thy service and to Thy heart.- David Livingston 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

How Can I Help?

Thanks so much for your interest in my Orphan Outreach to Russia. I have raised my travel expenses and am now fundraising directly for ministry to the orphans. Presently, there are several ways to help: 

1) I am providing some Etnies shoes for the kids. The cost to purchase and transport the shoes (additional airline luggage fees) is $20 ea. If you would like to write a note to go with any shoes you purchase, just send it with your check and I will make sure to read the note to the boy or girl receiving the shoes.

2) The children are in need of active wear and winter clothes as well as school books and supplies for the 'homeschool' that operates withing the orphanage itself. I will need to buy these things once I arrive in Russia (because of luggage restrictions and because I want to involve the staff in the selection of what's most needed.

3) Any unspecified amount I will be able to use for the kids or staff as the Lord leads. This might be a tea party or a small outing. 

Checks can be addressed to me, Anastasia Ciano at  5401 Via Vicente, Yorba Linda, CA 92887.

The best support you can give me is PRAYER:) 

(I'm limited on what I can bring because of airline luggage restrictions).

Thank you!

Monday, November 12, 2012

My Journey Event Speech at YLHS

For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Anastasia and I’m a senior.

Watching the video now, it seemed like, in the beginning, I talked really slow.  Although I've told my story before, I haven’t done anything this public.  Filming, I was a little surprised that it was difficult to talk about some parts of my past.  Although it’s distant, reliving it can still be painful.  That’s why I couldn't help but talk about God and His impact on my life and my healing.  I understand we go to a public school and just mentioning religion here makes some people uncomfortable.  But this is my personal story, my journey, and it is a testament to what faith can do in a person’s life. 

Now, I’d like to tell you about the next step in my journey.  On November 30, I leave for 6 weeks to Russia.  I will be going back to St Petersburg, to my former orphanage as an intern.  I have 3 specific goals:

My first goal is to learn about the whole orphanage system.  I’ll be shadowing social workers, learning about budgets, cooking meals, changing diapers, and probably scrubbing toilets.  I want to learn about running an orphanage because I want to build one to provide lost, abused and thrown away children a safe place to live, one where they are fed, clothed, loved and told about God.

My second goal is to talk to some of the powerful people, the people with money, about helping orphans in their community.  There are 4 Rotary Clubs in St Petersburg and I plan to start there.  I also want to champion adoption, in particular, international adoption.  Russia has been slowly closing its doors to international adoption, but its own system of foster care and family support has not made up the gap.  More and more children are falling through the cracks.  Less and less children have any hope of a different life.  I was one of the few that ‘got out’ and I feel a need to advocate for those stuck in the system.  You see, I was adopted 2 days before my 11th birthday.  Had I not been adopted, I would have been transferred to an orphanage for teens, which was basically a pimp house.

My third goal is where you come in.  It’s to minister to the kids themselves directly.  To show them love, to  give them hope  and to let them know that someone cares.  That YOU care.  

As you saw in my video, the two big words that made a change for me were CARE and LOVE.  Care and love are absolutely the biggest need the orphans have.  So, I had this crazy idea to involve the whole school.  We have 1,810 students here this year.  Imagine the impact we could have on fatherless kids if we only . . .,
if we just . . .

I think so often our biggest worries are SO small.  For instance, on Wednesday afternoon, I was so stressed out about showing you guys this video.  I thought I looked stupid and sounded stupid and I was complaining about it to a friend.  I actually wasn't even going to show it to you guys, but that same night, I get a phone call from that same friend where she said, “My dad is in the hospital”.  I rushed over to be with her and I see her, in the waiting room, bawling her eyes out.   I hug her and say “Hayley, it will be OK.  He’s just sick, he’ll get better”.  She said, “No, it won’t.  My dad is dead”.  At that moment, I froze, I just kind of stood back and saw that while I was putting wrinkles on my forehead over how I looked on a video, her whole world was changing.  Her dad won’t be there to see her graduate, or walk her down the aisle or hold his first grandchild.  She lost a parent.  And then I thought about the orphans and street children in Russia who don’t have parents at all.  I remembered what it was like and I can tell you they don’t worry about graduating, they worry if they’ll have enough to eat tomorrow.  They don’t look in a full closet and ask “what am I going to wear today”, they ask, do I have any clothes or shoes, how will I stay warm outside?

When I tuned back in, I saw Hayley surrounded by her friends, all doing their best to comfort her.   I also saw girl who’d stepped away from the group and was on her phone.  She lives with a foster family.  She was calling her mom who she hadn't talked to in a long time.  I overheard her say “Hey mom, I just wanted to say I love you.”  As I looked back to our group, beyond them, to the left, a woman walked in with a balloon bouquet saying ‘baby’.  Even though this was a tragic moment for Hayley, there was beauty and hope in that place too.

I thought back to the orphans in Russia and the beauty and hope WE can bring to them.  Remember those earlier statistics?  90% of the teens leaving orphanages fail.  What if we could change that?  What if we could show that a school, halfway across the world cares about these kids?  What if, in helping to change their possibilities, we changed some of our own?

You can start by simply sponsoring a pair of shoes for a kid who doesn’t have any, or buying a T-shirt.  I have already raised enough money to cover my travel costs, so any amount, no matter how small, will go directly to providing for the kids physical needs. 

I was talking to a student yesterday about helping others and she said “I would, but I don’t have any money”.  Yet, she was holding a Starbucks in her hand.  She has one almost everyday.  OK, it’s her money (or her parents) and she can spend it any way she wants.  I just wonder, if she gave up one Starbucks, or even better one a week, to help someone else, would she feel better about herself?  Would she feel more engaged in life?  More confident about her ability to make a difference?  Maybe we don’t realize how much we have and how much we can give back right now.

I’m not just talking about money.  I can tell you for sure when Hailey was crying, I could connect with her on such a deep level, because I, too, saw my father die.  There is a reason for the things we go through – so think about it. . .Why did you survive cancer?  Why did someone close to you die?  Why were you abused?
Why you?  Maybe, in part, to allow you to connect with others in a very human way. 

I want to thank you for allowing me to share My Journey with you.  Some of your teachers passed out cards where you wrote some of your goals and ideas.  I’ve read many of them, and I’m impressed.  These cards show this isn’t just a school full of spoiled, rich kids, it’s a school with kids who have big dreams and big hearts.  Kids ready for a journey. 

For those of you who didn’t fill out cards, I want to encourage you to think about what your journey is.  Where will you go?  What will you take with you?  What will you bring back?  Whose shoes will you walk in and what difference will you make?  What kind of world do you want to live in as an adult?   And how do you get there?

One thing my visit to the hospital brought home to me was that none of us know how long we have.  The death of Hayley’s dad reminded  me to live fully now.  Give back now.  Not put off til tomorrow, til I’m older, my chances to make a difference.  MY JOURNEY.

I’ll close with one more question, when are you going to start?  I can answer that for you.  Your journey started TODAY.

Over 300 students were there 
And we raised $600.00:)

Thank you all for your donations!

Friday, November 2, 2012

San Francisco..Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair..

This past Monday, I flew out to San Fran to pick up my passport at the Russian Consulate. I had such a good time roaming the streets all by myself. I felt so independent riding the BART and the buses. It was a great experience for me before I fly out to St. Petersburg and live on my own there.

An interesting thing  happened at a mall on Powell Street. You know those salesmen at the little stands who have the fake accents? Well, I try really hard to avoid them, but as I was just about to leave the mall, a very handsome young man approached me. I couldn't help but stop and talk to him.. Not so smart, huh?  After what felt like 45 minutes, I fell into buying a Deep Sea Body Scrub for $33.00.. Just to shut him up...Supposedly, that was the "Employee Discount price only" What I realized later is that I couldn't take it with me on the plane because it had a thick layer of oil. So, I marched back over to him, and guess what? He called the manager, who happened to speak Russian.. And he told me that  it was non-refundable. I tried to fight it because the handsome salesman (who wasn't so handsome anymore) never told me that.. But, long story short I had to exchange it for a face lotion that was half the size of the body scrub. Yeah.. I got majorly screwed over!  O and the salesman dared to give me his number......As if I'll call him..  haha 

Another funny thing happened when I got on bus #48 to go the Consulate. I looked at the map and thought I was going the wrong way, so I got off at the next stop, went across the street and got on the bus going the other direction.. Since, I wasn't  sure if I was going the right way, I asked the bus driver, and he told me that I was actually going the right way on the other bus. So I crossed the street again and caught the next (first) bus... It's all good though because I met lots of nice people on my bus adventures. You'd be surprised at how much people like to talk to you for even the five minutes you sit next to them.. Maybe just cuz I'm a young prettyy girl haha just kidding;)

In the end, I got my passport and had a great time!
(Except when I had to sit at the airport for 4 hours because my flight got delayed.)

Ps. Dont wear flowers in your hair, cuz  you'll stand out for some salesman!