I have so much to tell you!!!
Let me start with a really good day I had last week...
I sat down for a coffee with
Vladislav Mikailovich Nikitin, the director of
House of Mercy. He is a great man who truly cares for the disadvantaged
children. He was very much interested in my thoughts on the girls group and
what could be better.
In addition he recorded my thoughts on international adoption for
his future lectures. It was a very pleasant time to also learn
about different aspects of running a social rehabilitation center.
Later that day, I got interviewed for the news about the ban of Americans adopting from Russia.
Sadly, the government prohibited that segment, but I still got to talk about my mission at House of Mercy. Click Here to see the news.... Fast-forward it towards the end-ish.
Girls Group
Oh the joy I felt..
I was still here (:
Don’t get me wrong I do miss my home and family in California..But I know this was a message from God to enjoy every single moment I still have here with sisters! ♥
To the right is a photo of Dasha. Please keep her in your prayers, she just got transferred to an orphanage and is almost 18 years old. I pray that she will have a place to go to after she ages out.
I have been able to share the Gospel with each girl. I don't know why but it still surprises me when someone never heard about Jesus. Pretty much to every girl this was all news.
I thank God for using me to plant His seeds in their lives.
Polina, Katya, Tanya, Katya K, Nastya, Dina and Nadya asked Jesus to be part of their life!!!
Katya K, was filled with so much joy that moment. This girl never EVER cleaned up or helped anyone unless she was forced to. But just seconds after she accepted the Lord she helped another girl clean up a spill! Even the caregiver noticed and mentioned it to me... Praise God.
With Nastya I especially felt the Holy Spirit in the room, she couldn't wait to invite Jesus into her heart.
Tanya started to come up to me and ask more and more about God:)
I pray God continues His work in all these girls, keeps them strong and grounded in their new found faith!
Thanks to my mission sponsor Frank, I was able to give a Bible to every girl. They were very grateful for it. Many girls made presents and wrote thank you notes to me.
Today however was a really sad day; I had to say goodbye to them. The girls left for camp and I moved to work with the little kids.
Last 4 weeks have been such indescribable experiences. I have grown so close to my sister and it's hard to say goodbye. I hope to stay in contact with them through email and ect..
I have learned SO much from them about the mind of an orphan; their needs, why they act the way they act and so much more!!!
There were good and bad times, rough and easy, boring and fun... But in the end God's will was done, HE kept me strong and equipped.
The Harbor
Tens of thousands of orphans in Russia are moved out of state institutions each year at age 17. Most of these orphans enter a cycle of self destruction, often falling into a life of crime. Many of these stories end in suicide. The founders of The Harbor recognized a profound gap exists between the orphanage and life outside. The Harbor fills this gap by placing orphans in residential family-style communities, giving them an education, and teaching them skills necessary to maintain a home and thrive in Russian society.
During my stay in St. Petersburg,I was hoping to help out at The Harbor. But life got a little too crazzy for me here. I did though meet with Luba Yarovaya, the National Director of The Harbor. She took me on tour of the girls apartment. The Harbor is an incredible ministry! Check out this video...
I gave The Harbor Ministry a donation that came out of the funds I raised towards my trip. They used it to buy groceries and other necessities for a single mother trying to raise 3 children. Olya absolutely didn't have anything to feed her kids and the holidays are in the air. I'm glad God used my connection with The Harbor to bless this women with supply of food for 14 days. I also want to thank all of you who contributed financially towards my mission here. This is also a present to Olya from you!
I gave The Harbor Ministry a donation that came out of the funds I raised towards my trip. They used it to buy groceries and other necessities for a single mother trying to raise 3 children. Olya absolutely didn't have anything to feed her kids and the holidays are in the air. I'm glad God used my connection with The Harbor to bless this women with supply of food for 14 days. I also want to thank all of you who contributed financially towards my mission here. This is also a present to Olya from you!
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